Research is the process of systematic collection and analysis of information
with reference to the appropriate manner by the manager . In management,
manager must analysis his /her knowledge
systematically about what is to be done within a problems of limitless boundary. In every aspect of the
managerial research, it has been considering a wider phenomenon about the particular
manner systematically. It has been enlightened a part of systematic formation
towards solving any kinds of specific problems with reference to the reliable research design in
this research phenomenon. Basically it has been considering as a part of managerial deals. So therefore, managerial research means that what a manager does in his problem oriented matter is also called as a managerial research.
is the task of systematic collection of inferential analysis of the research phenomenon
towards the issues of present problems in every matter it represent the
combination of problem recognition, information search, reviewed of related
literature, research design, collection of data, analysis of the collected data
and finding the result and finally follow up the finding research output
is known as research process in managerial research.
in the area of management and the managerial perspectives, it might be a one essential task due to handle
every kind of action systematically. Except to understand such a research problems & then
how would they can solved them all of that unsolved problems? So here in this digital age,
research is an essential tools to understand, predict, analysis and interpret of all matter what had been to occurred in research oriented phenomenon because research may helps to solved them
all problems through its procedure. So hence, in research it would be assure that without it nobody can manage them all problem systematically and nobody knows that part how should it be
overcome into a new era.
is an essential tool to handle any kind of specific problem and to find out the procedure about how can be overcome on such obstacle for a management and the
managerial research. It has been emphasize due to the flowing reason;
1. To create a new competition.
To find what's the reality exactly.
To overcome a depressed.
To suggest manager to do every task
according to the research results due to solved all genuine and existing
To find hidden face.
To minimizing the gap and eliminating
the overlaps.
To observing census, sample , survey
and sampling on particular phenomenon.
To find in depth knowledge.
To change the system.
Khatra cha
hora prabin dai hoina hola... anyway its a little bit effort to improving my writing skills brother. no matter what may come I will try to improved my grammatical sequence in further article... I need to improve my writing skill shirt and simple form so therefore you may suggest to me for every time in my poor area okay brother thank you so much la!
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