Tuesday 11 August 2015






Brain Drain Phenomenon is the one current burning issues of ours country as well as every developing countries in the world.


Now I am going to construct a such questionnaire on the topic of brain drain impact in the family, society and the nation. How it should be impact in ours yards on  that above issues? How should it be change in your families condition in a society or not?  Please ask yourself and think about the issues in your family member in a home and select the suitable answer and circle it against the right alternatives out of all available alternatives. Which are as under:



Name of the Respondent :

Address :

Gender :




  1. Position of the family in a society in comparison with the other non migrates family in a society.

·         Highly satisfied.

·         Satisfied.

·         Highly dissatisfied.

·         Dissatisfied.

·         Unknown.


  1. Before the migration, Leaving standard of the family in a society .

·         Highly satisfied.

·         Satisfied.

·         Highly dissatisfied.

·         Dissatisfied.

·         Unknown


  1. After the migration, Leaving standard of the family in a society .

·         Highly satisfied.

·         Satisfied.

·         Highly dissatisfied.

·         Dissatisfied.

·         Unknown


  1. Before the migration, Families wealth condition in a society.


·         Highly satisfied.

·         Satisfied.

·         Highly dissatisfied.

·         Dissatisfied.

·         Unknown


  1. Ability to change the  families living standard in a society and the nation.

·         Highly satisfied.

·         Satisfied.

·         Highly dissatisfied.

·         Dissatisfied.

·         Unknown


  1. While they migrates from here, attention in a family to their children health care.

·         Highly satisfied.

·         Satisfied.

·         Highly dissatisfied.

·         Dissatisfied.

·         Unknown


  1. Improvement of their maternal health  in a family an the society after the migration.

·         Highly satisfied.

·         Satisfied.

·         Highly dissatisfied.

·         Dissatisfied.

·         Unknown


  1. Role of the poverty reduction and hunger in the family and society.

·         Highly satisfied.

·         Satisfied.

·         Highly dissatisfied.

·         Dissatisfied.

·         Unknown


  1. Achievement of their children universal primary education in a family.

·         Highly satisfied.

·         Satisfied.

·         Highly dissatisfied.

·         Dissatisfied.

·         Unknown



  1. Children discipline in a society with comparison to the other families children.

·         Highly satisfied.

·         Satisfied.

·         Highly dissatisfied.

·         Dissatisfied.

·         Unknown


  1. In the absence of your daughter / son , how you feel about the Peace, Security and comfort ability in the family and society.

·         Highly satisfied.

·         Satisfied.

·         Highly dissatisfied.

·         Dissatisfied.

·         Unknown


  1. Cleanness of the home environment in a society.

·         Highly satisfied.

·         Satisfied.

·         Highly dissatisfied.

·         Dissatisfied.

·         Unknown


  1. Relation of the family in a society.

·         Highly satisfied.

·         Satisfied.

·         Highly dissatisfied.

·         Dissatisfied.

·         Unknown


  1. Position of the social welfare in a society with the full support of them.   

·         Highly satisfied.

·         Satisfied.

·         Highly dissatisfied.

·         Dissatisfied.

·         Unknown


  1. By harvesting agricultural firm in a family to reducing  poverty in a society.

·         Highly satisfied.

·         Satisfied.

·         Highly dissatisfied.

·         Dissatisfied.

·         Unknown


  1. Love, affection and devotion of the family member in a society.

·         Highly satisfied.

·         Satisfied.

·         Highly dissatisfied.

·         Dissatisfied.

·         Unknown


  1. How far was your family expectation fulfilled?

·         100%

·         75%

·         50%

·         Below 50%


  1. Evaluation of your family condition in a society.

·         Highly satisfied.

·         Satisfied.

·         Highly dissatisfied.

·         Dissatisfied.

·         Unknown



  1. Learning environment of children in a family with the absence of their parents.

·         Highly satisfied.

·         Satisfied.

·         Highly dissatisfied.

·         Dissatisfied.

·         Unknown


  1. Access to be reach on neat and clean drinking water in a family and the society  with the help of them.

·         Highly satisfied.

·         Satisfied.

·         Highly dissatisfied.

·         Dissatisfied.

·         Unknown


  1. Reason to chose why they became migrates?

·         Achievement of higher quality education.

·         Compulsion of the family.

·         Their own choice

·         Better employment opportunity


  1. Physical condition of the family in a society.

·         Highly satisfied.

·         Satisfied.

·         Highly dissatisfied.

·         Dissatisfied.

·         Unknown


  1. What do you think is your son/daughter Jobs.

·         Excellent

·         Good

·         Fair

·         Poor

·         Don't know


  1. Would they passed graduate diploma?

·         Yes

·         No

·         Above diploma

·         Unknown



  1. How difficult do you think the skill drain from the  family.

·         Very much

·         To some extent

·         No difficult

·         Easy

·         Don't know



  1. Who do you think should your daughter/son be in a society.

·         Rich man/women in a society

·         Social leader

·         Good social worker

·         Political leader

·         Better investor



  1. In general how should you rate your son/daughter skilled?

·         Well qualified skilled worker

·         Good skilled worker

·         Normal worker

·         Unqualified worker



  1. Your suggestion about the policy of government to reduce the problem of brain drain in a family and society.

·         Government should raised employment opportunity

·         To maintain political stability

·         Protection of the business

·         If any other : ……………………………………………….


  1. Which virtue would like the most of your son/daughter  in a family .

·         Good working skilled

·         Policy to reduce poverty in a family

·         Cooperative, healthy and intellectual power


  1. What are the three great possibility to reduce the poverty and the problems of brain drain in a country?

·         ………………………………………………………….

·         ……………………………………………………….

·         ………………………………………………………….


  1. Finally what action are you going to be  take immediately as a result of your answer  to the above question?


·         ………………………………………………………………………………

·         ………………………………………………………………………………