Businesses institution, co-operatives
and so many other corporate houses whether they becomes governmental owned or
public / private owned they becomes allocate huge budget on the contained of
respective research sectors in developed nations. Research gives a fruitful procedure
on their deal if it would be conduction by the respective phenomenon. We might
to see every kinds of businesses and so many other non commercial phenomena in
this universe they all were done it
successfully whether the objective becomes displaceable or not. So therefore
each and every kinds of leading intuitions on this universe effective and
efficient research should be required before to lunching any kind of task. That’s why the importance
of research is increasing day by day.
Time's becomes competitive. So many
competitors are growing within a minute. All are competent on their respective
features. They all are progressive in every steeps of their task. No matter
whatever the problems may exist they all handle it within a minute with the using of such appropriate tools and
technique of effective and efficient research procedure in this research world.
That’s why no one can get the worst full moment at all, if they found "why
I am having such a worst able matter on my task then the other rivals
competitors?" is clearly represent the requirement of effective research.
All that above mentioned wistful statement emerged research procedures. Almost,
all of the research activities gives progressive achievement in every kinds of
institution in this world. It would clearly advocate time, cost, census,
requirements , availability of all kinds of resource, material, procedures,
reliability, validity, maintainability, systematic, legality, suitability,
acceptability and the maintainability of all kinds of research procedures
whether a activity should been conducting or not.
In the context of Nepal, Nepal
becomes entering a slowly developing process after the ten years insurgency
(1994 to 2004) of the country and the massive destruction of the earthquake disasters in 2015 and the Quake would distracted of huge human lives and the
other human made and the other natural innumerable valuable assets in the context of Nepalese prospective. That’s
why, why I am saying that aspect here is to be settle all kinds of
dissatisfaction within a matter with the using of appropriate effective and
efficient research procedure. Because if
we don't know that all such dissatisfaction of the respective matter then only
to confined the effective and bias less result then the outcomes becomes
purposive oriented. That’s all the
phenomenon, it represent the importance of research in this digital